Thursday, September 14, 2017

Could Doctors be Sued by Omitting the Psychological/Emotional Component of Chronic Maladies, especially Pain, in Diagnosis/Treatment?

It is well know that Emotional Stress causes or aggravates Physical Symptoms

Furthermore, Personality, Belief Systems, Cultures, etc. also have an effect on Physical Symptom Management.

Doctors know this and most choose to ignore this and just treat the symptoms, usually with medication.  "Band-Aid Fixes"

So, Could Doctors be sued by omitting the Psychological/Emotional (Mind-Body) Component of Chronic Conditions, especially Chronic Pain?  Could this be viewed as Malpractice?

Please see references below.

Mistakes of Commission or Omission, What is the Difference?

Omission-Related Malpractice Claims and the Limits of Defensive Medicine

Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis and Failure to Diagnose

Cognitive errors in medicine: The common errors

Laws governing holistic healing: some basics

Medical Negligence Incompetence and Fraud 


Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not advice of any kind, especially not medical/legal advice.