Thursday, September 11, 2014

Depression Relief Tip – Expect Good Things to Happen

Depression Relief Tip – Expect Good Things to Happen - “Nice Day Today, Isn’t It?” “Yeah, but It’s Going to Rain Tomorrow.”

"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst" by Thomas Norton is an old quote. When I am in a low mood, I "prepare for the worst and expect the worst". This kind of thinking gets me down. I got tired of thinking like that. 

I have learned that I can purposely change my thinking to "hope for the best, and maybe plan a little for the worst". I do not have to be carried away by excessive planning for the worst. I have learned that I do not have to go look for trouble. If trouble comes, I will deal with it. I remind myself that I am capable of dealing with life's events. I have done it before and I can do it again, if needed. 

Here is what I do for that has been helpful:
1. Hope for the best, or at least, good.
2. As I think this, I talk and act in that manner too. I say, "It's going to be a great day." I go out the door and look around for what is good. I keep in mind that good things can happen as well as bad. I can look for the good. Yes, bad things might happen, but I will deal with them as they occur. Then, I try very hard to return to having a good day.
3. I shun naysayers. There are always those who will counteract your positive comment with a negative "Yeah, but it's going to rain tomorrow." I listen because I might learn something, but I discard the negativity. Negativity is contagious and I don't want it.
4. When I expect a good day, I have a better chance of having a good day.
5. Yes, life happens. A good day can change into a bad day. Then is when I hope for a better day tomorrow. 

Takeaways -

1. A person can change their thinking and attitude.
2. How you think is how you talk and act. How you talk and act affects your thinking and emotions.
3. You do not have to hang around negative people, situations, or events. Yes, maybe listen to their viewpoints a little for informational purposes. Decide if you need to change course considering this new information. Otherwise, just wish them well, and move on in your own good life. 

For more information -
Disclaimer - Article is for informational purposes and is not medical advice. Seek professional help if you need it.

1 comment:

  1. Great post.'s deal with depression you can stay away from negative people. To completely cure it take organic depression supplements.
