Thursday, September 11, 2014

Depression Relief Tip – Change Your Mind

Depression Relief Tip – Change Your Mind

Some time ago, I heard the quote by Abraham Lincoln - "A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be." 

Changing my mind can be hard to do and sometimes it is. Yet, we DO have the power to think how we want. We have that freedom, no matter what our physical or environmental state is. We can choose to be happier, even though life is not as we would like it. 

If you do not like the word "happy", change the word to whatever you want. You have that right. Instead of "happy", you could choose "content", "peaceful", or "healthy". Pick any word better than the emotional state you are in now. 

This quote has helped me in several ways.
  1. First, I was impressed that Abraham Lincoln had symptoms of what we now call clinical depression. I was amazed considering all what he did in his life. I figure that if he could live a good productive life with his "depression", I could too. This amazes me further considering the term "depression" was not used medically in those days. The term "melancholia" might have been used in Lincoln's day. Nonetheless, he survived and thrived, despite his melancholic troubles.
  2. Second, this quote reminds me that I can indeed change my mind. I do not have to be stuck in one way of thinking. To accomplish this, I had to learn some new ways of thinking. I also had to practice changing my thinking. I had to give myself permission to change my mind.
  3. Adults have more choices than children do. The quote uses "man". Of course, the word "man" could be changed to "woman" or "person". All those terms refer to an adult. This reminds me that, as an adult, I have more choices that children do. I can exercise that freedom of choice. I can do things to jar myself loose from a bad mood. I can immerse myself in situations that breed happiness. I can extricate myself from depressing situations and people, at least mentally. Life might not be the way I want it, but I can mentally choose how I react to it.
  • Even famous accomplished people struggled with depressed thinking.
  • Largely, a person can change their thinking.
  • "Thought changing" can be learned and practiced, much like any other skill.
For more information:
Disclaimer - Article is for informational purposes and is not medical advice. Seek professional help if you need it.

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