Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Depression Relief Tip – Keep Busy and Optimistic

Are You Discouraged? - Depression Relief Tip – Keep Busy and Optimistic

Depression or a low-mood slows some of us down in life. Sometimes the trigger event can be traced back but sometimes not. I have found the triggering event does not matter. I am discouraged and I just need or want to get going again. 

"It doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself"― Lucille Ball 

This quote has helped me in several ways: 

1. It showed me that even famous people get discouraged in life. Ms. Ball must have gotten discouraged with life to make this quote, but it was not apparent in her public life. I learned that being discouraged is actually normal on an occasional basis.
2. How she coped with being discouraged was to keep busy. That makes sense to me. If I keep busy doing something, I do not feel as bad. My mood lifts. I feel a sense of accomplishment, with whatever I did, even if it is one small thing. I did something. I am surprised I did it. I went from being stuck to actually doing something. Writing this article is one small thing for me today.
3. Another way she fought off being discouraged was to make optimism a way of life. That makes sense to me too. I do not need any help feeling badly. I have found that if I stay around optimistic or up-beat people, optimism for life rubs off on me. I purposely sweep negativity out of my life. I have to. I cannot afford negative thoughts or people pulling me down. I am in this for life. I want the best life I can have. 

Takeaways -
1. If you are in a low mood and discouraged, just do one small thing and then say you did a good job. Who knows, you might just be able to another small thing, then another.
2. You can choose to be optimistic. Just do it. 

For more information -
Disclaimer - Article is for informational purposes and is not medical advice. Seek professional help if you need it.

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